Myotherapy for RSI | Melbourne Blissthai Massage and Beauty Therapy

What is RSI? | Myotherapy for RSI

RSI is an overuse injury, it happens from repetition of the same movements causing inflammation and damage to the soft tissues (muscles, nerves, tendons and tendon sheaths etc.)

How Can Myotherapy Help? | Myotherapy for RSI

Our Remedial Massage Therapists and Myotherapists use many different techniques to alleviate RSI symptoms including deep tissue massage, cupping, trigger point therapy, dry needling and low level laser therapy. Depending on your specific presentation our therapists will design a treatment program based on your individual issue. RSI is an umbrella term covering many different issues and as such each individual will find different treatment works for them.

Our Remedial massage therapists and Myotherapists will also give you home maintenance stretches and exercises to facilitate healing in the early stages and minimise the risk of the symptoms returning. As RSI is caused by repetitive actions that are generally part of our daily activities, clients find it hard (if not impossible) to cease these actions, so it is vital to implement a maintenance regime to manage RSI and prevent recurrence.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure! | Myotherapy for RSI

When the symptoms of RSI are present you have already created substantial damage and inflammation to the area, this can mean much more treatment is necessary to get the condition back to a manageable state. Clients that manage their RSI with home exercise and stretches end up seeing us a lot less over the years which is much better for their bodies and their wallets.

What Can I Do? | Myotherapy for RSI

Take Breaks
This is really important! However just taking a break isn’t enough, make sure you get some movement during your break such as rolling shoulders and wrists and walk if you can.

Use good posture
This is a tricky one. The question is, what is good posture? This is different for everyone so the best thing is to have your posture assessed. Some businesses have a staff member that takes care of this, if you don’t you can speak to our practitioner Cal Savage.

Use an ergonomically designed workstation.
Once again hopefully your work has an ergonomist. If not feel free to ask us what we can do for your business. 

Exercise regularly
Doing nothing all week and then pushing yourself at the weekends is likely to do more harm than good and may increase your chances of injury. In the long run, regular gentle to moderate exercise is going to be more useful for muscles health, flexibility, wellbeing and enjoyment!

Only use the computer as much as you have to
I know this sounds obvious but maybe have a think about the things you could do during your day that could be done off the computer. Also in your time outside work hours try to enjoy activities that keep you away from the computer. Sorry but pokemon go isn’t a great choice for hands, wrists, arms and neck posture!

If you are experiencing RSI feel free to give us a call and book in for a free assessment.

Tags: Melbourne Remedial Massage News Muscle & Tendon Tension Myotherapy